Who are we

What is『ReGuardian』?

This is an initiative aimed at promoting environmental awareness through small actions, consisting of the four R's:


This involves refusing items that are unecessary or harmful, such as single-use plastics or excessive packaging.


This refers to reducing the amount of waste generated by consuming and using fewer resources.


Instead of disposing of items after a single use, find ways to use them again or repurpose them.


Recycling involves converting waste materials into reusable objects or materials.

Learn by Doing

Protect our Environment through 4R's Active Games

ReGuardian wants to guide students how to differentiate through fun extracurricular activities.
Science has indeed proven that learning through extracurricular activities is easier to understand and remember compared to traditional learning methods


Interative Games & Activities

  • Eco Kendama
  • Aqua Trash Scoping
  • Recycle Ping Pong
  • Mystery Recycle Station
  • Trash Separate Station
How to play

Trash Separating is the Ultimate Goal


Five Guardians

Assembling a Team of Five members


Collect your Recycle Bin
(2 of 4)

Each Team will be assigned random type of Recycle Bin


Collect Trash Sticker from Games

Compete with other team in 5 Game Activites (Winner: 2 stickers
Loser: 1 sticker)


Sorting Trash Sticker to Correct Bin

Sorting collected trash to correct Recycle Bin. Correct: Gain 1 point.
Incorrect: Lose 2 points.
(Each team can change their trash to other team or with organizer)

How to Sort Trash

4 Types of Recycle Bin

Burnable Bin

Burnable Trash such as:
Paper, cardbox, ... will be sorted here

Recyclable Bin

Recyclable Trash such as:
Bottle, can, ... will be sorted here

Bio Bin

Biodegradable Trash such as:
Food, Leaf, ... will be sorted here.

Non-Recyclable/ Unburnable Bin

Remaining Trash that cannot sort in other Recycle Bin will be sorted here.

Chat with ReGuardian AI Specialist about the Event Detail


Frequently Asked Questions

  • What are trash stickers, and how are they awarded?

    Trash stickers represent different types of recyclable and non-recyclable items. Winning team members at each station receive two random trash stickers, while those who don’t win receive one.

  • Can teams trade stickers?

    Yes, teams can trade stickers amongst themselves or with the organizer. The trading cost with the organizer is two stickers in exchange for one specific trash sticker of their choice.

  • What should teams do with incorrect trash stickers?

    Teams are encouraged to trade incorrect stickers either with other teams or the organizer to avoid point deductions for misplacement.

  • Is there a strategy for winning the game?

    Focus on accurate sorting and strategic trading to optimize the stickers you have, ensuring they match the trash in your bins.

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